5 Common Phrases that Sabotage Effective Communication
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5 Conversation Skills Great Leaders Master – Webinar Series

leadership Aug 23, 2019

Leaders know leadership doesn’t come through a title. It’s your ability to influence people that makes you a leader.

That type of leadership starts with the way you handle 1-on-1 interactions which is why Jen is bringing back 5 Conversation Skills Great Leaders Master.

The strategies in this series are:

Practical. Jen based them on the same ones she uses every day in sports and business conversations

Efficient. They take just 15-seconds to implement because Jen doesn’t have time to waste on TV and neither do you!

Results-driven. You’ll see skyrocketing improvement in the way team members respond and your overall productivity.

Register here for just $45! Can’t join live? No problem; it’s recorded. 

We’ll cover ways to:

1. Share success without bragging so you can better negotiate for yourself.

2. Deliver clear instructions without sounding bossy.

3. Motivate team members to take the “right” next steps without micro-managing.

4. Discover the mindset shift that changes EVERYTHING!

You don’t need a leadership title to lead right where you are in your career. You do the need ability to effectively share ideas, create buy-in, advocate for yourself and others. Those outcomes are at the heart of these conversation strategies. The 3-part webinar takes place Sept 16-18 from 7-7:30am PT.

Too early?

Can’t join live?

No problem. The entire series is recorded. You’ll receive an email with the link to the recording by noon PT each day.

You’ve got nothing to lose and a whole lot of productivity and leadership skills to gain.


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