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Asking Better Questions – A Skill for Thought Leaders

business communication Jan 21, 2021

Effective leaders know who they’re leading. Not just the names of the people reporting to them, but the actual people. 

That’s a challenge in any environment because there will always be people who keep things close to the vest, others harbor a distrust of management or leadership, still others aren’t effective communicators putting great onus on leaders to draw out information needed to build good relationships.

The current work from home environment adds another layer to that relationship building process and highlights the importance of Asking Better Questions. 

It’s a topic I discussed as part of Thought Leadership presentation during a webinar hosted by Mary Alice Colvin Co-Lead of the Washington chapter of WIT 

If you want to be a thought leader who affects change and innovation you need to upgrade the questions you’re already asking in order to guide conversations that resonate with the people you lead.

Here are a few more reasons to be more strategic about the questions you’re asking.  

You can upgrade the questions you're asking right now in less than 30 minutes using the on-demand video series Asking Better Questions. It's efficient and packed with practical tips and insights I've learned during the thousands of interviews I've done throughout a 20-year career in sports broadcasting. 

See what others are saying and check it out for the special introductory rate of just $49. 


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