5 Common Phrases that Sabotage Effective Communication
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Don’t Make This Mistake in a Business Conversation – Keeping Expectations to Yourself

leadership May 29, 2019

Committing to better business communication improves the flow of information. But that’s not all.

Effective communicators can get more done in less time by communicating their objectives, time frames and next steps in addition to their actual message.

Reading that sentence (or hearing me describe it in the video) probably makes sense.

So why don’t you do it?

I hate to be the one to tell you, but a lot of your frustrations with colleagues (spouses and kids, for that matter) are because you’re withholding information. You’re not verbalizing details that allow them to take the appropriate action, the best next steps, or the right decision.

NOTE** Don’t think you do this? Consider the last time you asked your spouse to empty the dishwasher or fold clothes. How frustrated did you get when the chore wasn’t completed on your timeline? Did you actually communicate your prefered timeline, as in, did you say, “Could you empty the dishwasher before I get back from the grocery store?” If not, you’re the cause of the frustration you feel.

Leaving key pieces of information unsaid causes frustration, adds to your stress level and isn’t an effective use of time.

Get more out of each conversation and get more done period by verbalizing an E.T.A. in every conversation. Watch the video for more on E.T.A. in conversations.



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