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I Cook, You Measure with Brad Evans

i cook you measure Aug 25, 2024

I’m confident in conversations while cooking, it’s the soccer part of this conversation that takes me out of my comfort zone. I guess I should have pictured myself talking soccer rules when I asked a Seattle soccer legend to join me, but I didn't think through that one all the way. That wasn't the only thing I was unprepared for.

Seattle Sounders Legend Brad Evans surprised me by revealing he has experience on cooking shows, maybe that's part of the reason he was such a natural on this episode. We chatted about his career and the work the Sounders are doing in the community. 

We also share risotto hack - barley. It speeds up the process and eliminates the need for constant stirring which gives us more time to chat and drink wine. Watch the full episode of I Cook, You Measure with Brad Evans and use the ingredients list below to recreate the dish. 

The Bonus Bites episode with Brad Evans have even more stories from the MLS standout including the trick he can still land on a skate board. 


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