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I Cook, You Measure with Leonard Williams


Leonard Williams is having a monster year for the Seahawks, despite a Pro Bowl snub. He's just as good in the kitchen as he is on the field. Learn more about the big man and cook alongside us in the full-length episode of I Cook, You Measure with Leonard Williams presented by Safeway. 

Fun Facts About the Episode 

  1. Leonard Williams is a defensive end for the Seattle Seahawks. Although you're more likely to hear him called Leo or Big Cat. (The origin of his nickname is discussed in the episode.)
  2. A month after we taped this show Leo earned Defensive Player of the Week honors for a monstrous game in New York that included a 92-yard interception return for a touchdown against the Jets. That is a long way for the big man to run! 
  3. Leo actually approached me last season about a month after being traded to the Seahawks and asked when he could be a guest on the show. 
  4. His fiancee Hailey Lott sat in on the taping. She is a certified wellness coach and as Leo revealed in the episode they do breath work together on game days so he can lock in and play in a calm state. 
  5. If you've ever felt out of place at a new job, Big Cat knows the feeling. He's been traded a couple times in his career and talks about the emotions of joining a new team and getting to know his teammates in the Bonus Bites episode

You can find every full-length episode and all the Bonus Bites episodes from I Cook, You Measure on YouTube. 


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