5 Common Phrases that Sabotage Effective Communication
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Learn from a Leader Bonus Interview + Giveaway

It doesn’t matter who I talk to these days NFL athletes, venture capitalists, C-suite executives, my grandma or my best friend, the topic of mental health frequently comes up in conversations. It sounds different for everyone but most often it’s a question like “How are you handling things?”

It highlights the fact that all of us are dealing with feelings of stress, anxiety, loneliness, insecurity and fear. We’re all human.

Years ago I wrote a letter to Lisa Malosky, a sports broadcaster in Houston, professing my admiration for her work and my desire to become a sports broadcaster. I told her that I loved sports and I thought it would be so cool to talk to the athletes themselves. Her hand-written response included these words, “Athletes are people too.”

Twenty years into my sports broadcasting career I know exactly what she meant. I understand the role of empathy in seeing the human side of all people, whether I’m talking to athletes, CEO’s, friends, colleagues or family members.

As humans it’s natural to struggle, to feel uncertain of yourself and to need help. Getting back on track can feel overwhelming but it can also start with a simple statement that can shift your mindset, retrain your brain and grow your confidence that you can do hard things.

“Everything you say is taking you somewhere.” 

It’s one of the insights Michael Gervais shared during a recent Learn from a Leader interview. Michael is a high-performance psychologist who offered valuable perspective on developing a successful mindset, rewiring your thoughts, finding mastery and building confidence.

This is part of a series you can access for a monthly or yearly fee, but this is also a conversation that’s too important not to share. I posted the entire interview on YouTube and encourage you to watch and share with others.

It’s my gift to you, but Michael one-upped me on the gifting this season.

Thanks to his generosity we’re giving one person access to his Finding Mastery Compete to Create course. The on-demand course is a $500 value. Here’s all you need to do to be entered to win: 

Answer this question on Twitter or IG: When was the last time you had a sense of peace?

Use: #LearnfromALeader 

Tag: @FindingMastery @MichaelGervais

The winner will be chosen at random Tuesday December 22, 2020.

That question: When was the last time you had a sense of peace? Is one he posed to several Olympians. He talks about why near the end of the interview and offers another question that can help you quantify success, that has nothing to do with the amount of work you did in a day.

Enjoy the interview and share with others!



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