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Learn from a Leader: Leading Interns

Amid the chaos of 2020 it’s time for wine.(And I’m not just talking about the glass I pour for myself at the end of most days.) It’s harvest season.

It will be a long time before the grapes being harvested now are in my glass. It takes time for grapes to become great wine. There’s a process. 

Great always takes time. It’s true in wine and it’s true with people. Great success, great understanding, great talent all come after repeated attempts and experiences.

At this point you’re either nodding your head or rolling your eyes, because it’s obvious to you based on where you are in your career.

But what about your interns, or the younger people on your team, the newcomers to the organization or the industry? When talking to those people do you remember the time it takes to be great and the time it took for you to get to where you are in your career?

Leaders help people work through the process of becoming great.

One of the ways to do that is by leading interns. Winemaker Kristin Scheelar offered this reminder during a Learn from a Leader session earlier this year.

“I want interns to have the best experience they can because this is their opportunity to learn.” 

She also provided a way for interns to ask questions that get thoughtful responses from established professionals. Watch the video for that suggestion. 


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