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Learn from a Leader: Steve Singh on creating All In Seattle

covid-19 leadership Apr 28, 2020

A quick scan of Steve Singh’s biography tells you all you really need to know about the Managing Director at Madrona Venture Group. It’s not his experience or expertise that jumps out. It’s this phrase: “the only legacy we leave behind is positively changing the trajectory of life for others.” 

Here’s what else you need to know about Singh, he’s a driving force behind All In Seattle, a coalition of concerned Seattleites and community members who banded together to help neighbors through the COVID-19 crisis. The initiative ties into his personal belief around impacting the lives of others.

“No matter how amazing any one human being may be, we can only move the needle a little bit,” Singh told me during a recent conversation. “So, the legacy that we get behind is ensuring that everyone gets a chance to move the needle.”

As Singh says in the video below, “leaders can be anybody."

All In Seattle partners with charities who can offer immediate assistance with critical issues like food, housing and health. All In Seattle is not a charitable organization. Singh describes it as a funnel that helps address the needs of a community that’s suffering and needs help immediately while waiting for government assistance or other organizations to fund programs.

The initiative has raised more than $30 million since March 23, well-exceeding the original goal of $5 million. A response that exceeded Singh’s expectations.

“It rejuvenates your belief in other human beings, as well as, your community,” Singh says. “The fact that a bunch of people from all walks of life, from every economic level came together to help others.”

Look for more insight from Singh in upcoming posts, register for the Learn from a Leader series to access the full interview and the entire leadership library, and visit AllInSeattle.org to donate and learn more about the initiative.  


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