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Learn from a Leader: Utilizing and Athlete's Mindset

leadership development Oct 23, 2021

When push comes to shove it could be tempting to quit, but that's not a choice for the athletes I work with. Professional athlete don't just leave the field during the middle of a game. They don't throw in the towel at halftime and decide not to play the second half. They don't quit.

That's not to say it's easy, but here's where athletes have the advantage: they've failed a lot. They've lost games, they've missed shots, they've had bad games, and they've bounced back. That's resiliency and tenacity. 

Tenacity in sports looks different than in business, but it requires the same mindset. Elaina Morris Herber is a former collegiate soccer player and the President and CEO of Ascend Hospitality Group. 

Tapping into an athlete’s mindset isn’t all about visualizing success, it’s recognizing that failure is part of the process. Use that to bounce back, push through and be tenacious.  


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