5 Common Phrases that Sabotage Effective Communication
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Practicing Leadership: Communicating With Remote Teams + What Talk Sporty to Me Is Doing

leadership Mar 24, 2020

“The greatest problem in communication is the illusion that it has been accomplished.” George Bernard Shaw

I couldn’t say it any better George.

I know exactly what he’s talking about. You probably do to. There’s also a good chance you’re starting to feel the strain or tension around communicating with remote teams – especially if this is a new dynamic for you or your team.

We get caught in a push-pull. Wanting to make sure we stay in communication leads to sending more emails, lengthier memos and scheduling more meetings. We start believing more words or more interactions lead to better communication. In reality it’s ensuring we are overwhelmed by emails and meeting requests and creating the illusion communication has been accomplished.  

As businesses, managers and employees across the country adjust to a new work dynamic here are few things to keep in mind.

  • Working remotely doesn’t change the fact the average attention span is between 8-12 seconds long.
  • It also doesn’t change preferred communication styles. 
  • Verbal cues are important when leading online meetings. 
  • Open-ended questions don’t necessarily lead to more engagement or collaboration with your team.

For more than a decade I’ve used sports to drive conversations around leadership, career development and communication skills. I’m still doing that because sports fandom doesn’t stop even when sports are on hold. Conversation strategies that help you connect, build relationships and communicate more effectively have always been at the heart of Talk Sporty to Me.

Leaders can help facilitate the connection and communication needed in a time of social distancing.

So here’s what Talk Sporty to Me is doing:

Weekly Videos. Providing conversation strategies that work with your remote team. Look for weekly videos on the blog and LinkedIn.

Online Training. Delivering online trainings for individuals who are suddenly working remotely. 

Corporate Training. Booking online corporate training sessions to help improve communication with remote teams.

Monthly Leadership Development. Hosting monthly online leadership development sessions. Winemaker Kristin Scheelar from Columbia Winery in Washington is the featured leader April 16 at noon PT. You can purchase one session or an entire year of the series.

Private Conversation Coaching. Opening my schedule for private coaching/mentorship online sessions. Send me an email to inquire about hourly rates.

Practicing Leadership With a Sports Twist

Seahawks linebacker Bobby Wagner Joined Learn from a Leader in March and shared this insight on leading in times of crisis


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