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Small ways to Build Relationships

business communication Dec 15, 2024

Networking is something most of us think takes hours and minutes. As in, you attend a networking event that takes a couple hours in the evening, or you schedule an hour lunch or a 30-minute coffee meeting. 

It's true that networking takes place in those moments, but it's equally true that networking can take place in seconds. I know, because it's how I build relationships and network with athletes inside professional locker rooms. 

Here's what we miss most often about networking:

  1. It's not the time spent, it's the connection made. 
  2. It's more important to show up consistently over time than wait or hope for a big conversation or opportunity.

As I explained during the "What Do you Know to Be True?" podcast, I measure conversations in seconds, not minutes and I make the most of the few seconds I get talking to athletes during the week. 

Here are 5 Small Ways to Build Relationships 

1. Make a plan for what you want to get out of an interaction. Maybe it's an introduction, maybe you're trying to stay on the radar. Perhaps you're looking for one piece of information or paying a compliment. It doesn't really matter as long as you have an objective and know what you're trying to accomplish. 

2. Ask specific questions. Don't try to back into a conversation or play coy. When you only have a few seconds, you need to get to the point of the conversation quickly, get answers that matter to help meet your objectives.

3. Hi and Hello count as a conversation. Sometimes all I'm trying to get out of an interaction in the locker room is a "Hi Jen" or similar greeting. That counts in building rapport and staying on the radar. 

4. Find obvious follow up opportunities. In a locker room it's easy for me to circle back around on a specific storyline or key to the game. Find something that makes it easy to connect in short bursts. (Meaning you're going to need to go beyond basic small talk and be strategic and intentional with your interactions.)

5. Pay a compliment. This works best when you go beyond the superficial "Your hair looks great today." While that kind of compliment is nice to hear, it's not as impactful as "You did a great job leading the meeting yesterday." Or for me in the locker room I might say something like "That was a hellava block on the touchdown run." I'm not looking for an exchange just an opportunity to show I'm paying attention and that I'm invested in building a relationship. 

The key networking in general is your willingness to show up and connect. Don't get concerned if you don't see an immediate payoff in these small efforts. Trust that you've got a plan to make the most of every networking opportunity regardless of how big or small. 



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