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Sports Conversation Starters for Your Workweek

conversation starters Jan 10, 2022

The Seahawks closed out their season yesterday… and then depression set in. 

I quote that line from Stripes somewhat jokingly at the end of football season every year. I get grumpy when the season ends. I miss practices, game day, game prep, my guys and my colleagues.

All I want to do is be grouchy for a couple days before I regroup and start looking ahead.

What I don’t want are fans trying to make me feel better by saying “at least baseball season is just around the corner.” I’m not looking for a silver lining. I’m not interested in talking about baseball in January and I don’t care that you’re excited about baseball season.

That might sound harsh, but this is a bigger conversation skill that sports can help you practice – empathy. Letting someone feel their feelings without jumping in with your own. Allowing someone to feel frustrated, disappointed, upset or sad without offering a reason they shouldn’t be. It might seem like a little thing in the context of a sports conversation but it’s exactly why you should use those moments to practice. So when you find yourself in a moment that calls for true empathy and understanding you’re ready to respond.

There are lots of sports conversation starters that can help you practice empathy, one of these could work this week.


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