5 Common Phrases that Sabotage Effective Communication
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Sports Conversation Starters for Your Workweek

You don’t have to watch a game to talk about the outcome. Just like you don’t have see a TV show to know what it’s about. And you don’t need to follow an actor’s entire career to enjoy a little celebrity gossip (if that’s your thing.)

Here’s what you do need: enough information and confidence to have a conversation.

Whether you’re skimming the latest version of People magazine (which I actually did while on vacation this weekend) or glancing through these sports conversation starters. Don’t discount how much you don’t know without realize that you probably know more than enough to make small talk for 30-60 seconds, and that’s all it takes.

Here’s something else to consider: the process is the same for building your knowledge base whether you’re talking about sports, music, entertainment, bitcoin, etc…

  1. Start small with a headline or two.
  2. Keep the conversations short.
  3. Have an exit strategy.

I’m going to cover exit strategies as part of a webinar later this week on How to Talk to People in Person. Register for free and I’ll see you Wednesday June 9 at Noon PT for a 30-minute refresher course that will make it easier to be social and talk to people in real life.


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