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Sports Conversation Starters for Your Workweek

conversation starters Oct 26, 2020

The date caught me off guard.

It shouldn’t have, I look at the calendar every day but yesterday I realized this is the final week of October. Then I realized how much I had planned to get done but am still hustling to finish before the end of the month. Things I thought would be so easy to accomplish now feel like a grind. How often has this happened to you?

How often does this show in up in your conversations? That Zoom catch-up you meant to schedule, the long overdue call home to check in in on family, the follow ups you intended with clients.

Busyness and overwhelm can trump best intentions. Build those conversations and storylines into your regular interactions by using sports small talk.

You don’t need lengthy conversations to stay in touch, you do, however, need touch points.  A quick email or text that says, “Wow! What did you think of how that game ended?” or “That was a big win for your team yesterday.” Is a way to stay in touch, stay on the radar and stay away from feeling guilty about conversations you intended to have, but just didn’t get around it.

If you don’t already use sports conversations in this way, you can start this week by using these sports conversation starters.


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