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Sports Conversation Starters for Your Workweek

conversation starters Jan 24, 2021

There’s efficiency and necessity around virtual communication these days, but there’s nothing that can replace the richness of in-person interactions.

As an extrovert and a professional communicator, virtual interactions feel incomplete. I’m not able to read the room or body language the same way and the conversations don’t flow the same way.

That’s not the only thing that’s missing. It’s also the timing, frequency and spontaneity of conversations in general.

When there’s no chance of bumping into your colleague, getting in the elevator with your manager or gauging the mood of your team on a Monday morning you’re left wondering what’s going on. That uncertainty creates anxiety and paranoia when working from home.

Did your manager not respond to an email because she’s been in back-to-back meetings or because she didn’t like your idea? Are your colleagues avoiding you because you’re falling out of favor or because everyone is Zoom’ed out and avoiding as many meetings as they can?

Here’s what you can control in this situation – the timing and frequency of your interactions. They don’t have to be in person, face-to-face or a back-and-forth exchange. A text or a one line email can keep you on the radar and keep the lines of communication open. Those types of short exchanges are perfect for sports small talk. Here are topics making headlines this week.


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