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Sports Conversation Starters for Your Workweek

conversation starters Aug 25, 2024


What do you do when months of planning go out the window?

You know the feeling and so do a number of college football teams this week. Teams that spent months preparing for the start of a season, expecting to start strong and believing they had the right strategy in place – only to lose the first game of the season and put themselves in a tough position to make the playoffs.

That's what Florida State is dealing with after their stunning loss in week one of the college football season. the sports story is definitely going to come up in conversation with fans, but there's a bigger business conversation you can have too. The conversation about rallying a team and rebounding from disappointment. It's one way you can think outside the box scores and use sports to your advantage in business. 

Or you can stick to sports and use these topics in small talk this week. 


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