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Sports Conversation Starters for Your Workweek

conversation starters Jan 03, 2021

I don’t know if you need the encouragement yet, but good luck with those resolutions!


And I’d suggest adding one more item to your 2021 goals: Find ways to show up.

“Showing up” looks different these days. You might not be showing up in person. It might happen in an email, newsletter, text, or logging into your virtual meetings 5-10 minutes early to chat with other folks who also logged in early. Whatever option you choose, commit to consistency. Show up so you’re part of the conversation when it happens. Top of mind when an opportunity arises and available for serendipitous interactions.

Part of showing up is having something to say and being able to skillfully engage in small talk. These sports conversation starters can help with that and you can also download the Talk Sporty 2021 Sports Calendar for a look at the sports year in a glance. 


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