5 Common Phrases that Sabotage Effective Communication
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Sports Conversation Starters for Your Workweek

conversation starters Jan 12, 2025


Are you back in the swing of things? Are you trying to buckle down and get things done?

I totally get it and it’s why I want to remind you an exit strategy is just as important as a plan for how you’re going to initiate conversations.

For me an exit strategy includes a “task” that requires me to physically relocate. As in, “I’m going to eat my lunch and prep for my afternoon meetings at my desk.” Or “I’m going to get some fresh air and walk around the block before returning emails.”

It might not seem like much but it’s easier to extract yourself from a situation or to end a conversation if you’re clear on what comes next for you. Just something to consider after you use these sports conversation starters this week.


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