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Sports Conversation Starters for Your Workweek

conversation starters Sep 15, 2024

I always get excited for the start of the NFL season and based on the numbers I’m not the only one. The NFL averaged 21 million viewers per game during the league’s opening week last week. Those numbers are up 12% from last year.

That means even if you didn’t watch the NFL your colleagues and friends probably did. Viewership numbers will fluctuate throughout the season, but there is a huge appetite for football and the NFL.

Fans aren’t just fans on game day. They’re fans every day of the week and they often want a chance to talk about their favorite teams, players, outcome, etc… Keep that in mind if you’re looking for easy ways to start conversations this week. Get things rolling with questions like:

  • Did you watch football this weekend?
  • What did you think of the ______ game?

Or you can use any of the topics listed below.


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