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Sports Conversation Starters for Your Workweek

conversation starters Sep 22, 2024

There are a number of reasons people avoid or dread small talk. Some believe it’s a waste of time (it’s not, unless you want it to be) and others are intimidated or anxious talking to people they don’t know.

Which is a bit of a Catch-22. Small talk helps build relationships. You won’t move out of that awkward stage of getting to know people without those small interactions. Here’s how you can make things easier – look for the sports fans and ask about the game.

You probably know which colleagues follow sports and sports fans can be easy to spot when they’re wearing team/school logos. Tee up a conversation about their favorite team and you won’t need to search for what to say next. And don’t tune out because you think sports doesn’t matter at work. You’re listening for information that’s useful in follow up conversations and segues into other topics, when they’ve finished their sports comments, of course.

If you want to contribute more than your listening skills to the conversation here are a few sports topics making news this week.


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