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Sports Conversation Starters for Your Workweek

conversation starters Mar 03, 2024

Controversy isn’t usually my thing, especially to start off the week, but this hot take is relevant to your career and conversations this week.

The 40-yard dash is a terrible way to predict the success of NFL players.

And yet sports fans are going to be talking about the fastest 40-time in Combine history this week. (It’s the first item on our list of sports conversation starters.) The drill is for show and entertainment purposes. It does not directly translate to football because at no time will any player ever line up during a game and run unimpeded in a straight line for 40 yards. It’s part of the evaluation process, but it’s not the number one predictor of success.

This is where conversations can get interesting this week and give you a chance to think outside the box scores, as I like to say. You can focus on the record-setting number or you can lead into a bigger conversation about how you evaluate talent on your team at work and what activities truly show your value. If you don’t know where to start with that, I’d suggest communication skills and using the rest of the sports topics to spark bigger business conversations this week.  


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