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Supporting Superstars and thinking outside the box scores

Caitlin Clark is the most prolific scorer in college basketball history. The records she set at Iowa led to storylines sports fans around the country followed. 

The increased popularity and viewership of women's basketball can be directly traced to Clark. 

Her career and accomplishments have spark countless sports conversations, but here's what I keep thinking about - if it was my job to coach Caitlin Clark, what skills would I need to support a superstar talent? 


Thinking outside the box scores leads us to a different type of conversation altogether, one that could benefit every leader because it's ultimately about the high performers on your team. 

There's no question Clark is highly motivated on her own, but she can't win by herself. No one can. Her individual efforts get a lot of attention, but her team is the reason she won. So think about that in terms of the rising star in your organization and the high performers you manage. How do you create an environment that encourages personal achievement while rewarding team accomplishments?

Even if you don't have specific answers simply having a conversation with your team or your peers could lead to enlightening insights that help you become a better leader and that's the point of using sports to think outside the box scores. Caitlin Clark will continue to dominate headlines giving you plenty of opportunities to circle back around on a topic that's bigger than sports small talk. 


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