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Talk Sporty 101: It's more than sports


A sporting event is just that – an event. There’s always more going on than the game itself and that introduces additional conversation topics outside of the stats, scores and outcome.

Sports conversations don’t have to focus on the game itself. You can choose to talk about the experience of watching a game.

The Super Bowl is a great example. You could talk about the teams and players or you could talk about the food, commercials, halftime entertainment, location, parties you’ll attend and who you’ll be watching it with.

There are few events as big as the Super Bowl during the year, but these potential conversation topics exist in every game. You could choose to talk about what you ate a game, or restaurants near the stadium you like to visit. Talking about the vibe in the building or the friends who went to the game with you is an option too. If you watched a game on TV, the location of the game could lead to conversations about travel or personal ties to the city the game is being played in. Heck, you could talk about team colors, logos and mascots if that’s of more interest to you. 

The bigger point is this – there’s something for everyone when it comes to sports conversations. You don’t have to limit yourself to talking about the game itself. Think outside the box scores and join the conversation.


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