5 Common Phrases that Sabotage Effective Communication
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Talk Sporty 101: Wear Your Team's Logo

If starting a conversation is intimidating or challenging for you, use this Talk Sporty 101 tactic to bring the conversation to you - wear your team's logo. 

When you wear the logo of your favorite team you make it easy for other people to say something first. This strategy is particularly effective for introverts and if you're in large group settings, like parties and networking events, that might be overwhelming. 

Here are a few things to remember when using this strategy:

  1. The conversation doesn't have to be more than a few sentences long.
  2. The only thing you really need to know is why you cheer for that team. 
  3. Fall back on the previous Talk Sporty 101 strategies like No, but... and Defining Your Expertise to guide the conversation toward something you want to talk about. 

This is a great approach if you don't want to be the first person to say something. In addition, it will help you identify other sports fans who would be open to sports small talk. 

 So make it easy on yourself and bring the conversation to you!



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