5 Common Phrases that Sabotage Effective Communication
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Talk Sporty 101: What type of fan are you?


Sports fandom looks different to different people. Some fans memorize stats and are glued to the TV during games. Others take a more casual approach, enjoying the social aspect of watching games with others and taking in game day traditions and rituals. 

There’s no one way to be a sports fan. Don’t listen to the die-hards who claim they’re the only “real” fans in the building. On the flip side, give yourself credit for being a fan. You don’t need to make excuses for not watching more sports and you don’t need to apologize for only following the local team.

Here’s the one thing you should consider – changing your conversation tactics based on the type of fan you are and the type of fan you’re talking to.

Here’s a breakdown of how we at Talk Sporty to Me categorize sports fans.


Being aware of sports fan profiles can help you stay in your lane in a conversation. I realize that phrase can have a negative connotation, but in this context and for the purpose of small talk, it can actually give you more confidence.

You don’t need to talk about sports the same way as anyone else. Choose the type of fan you want to be and prepare for conversations accordingly.

By the way – did you notice what’s missing from those sports fan profiles? Not a single one is based on gender.

The way you talk about sports is determined by your level of sports fandom and your communication style, not gender.

And that’s the conversation we’ll have next time. If you’ve missed the previous Talk Sporty 101 videos you can find them on YouTube.



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