5 Common Phrases that Sabotage Effective Communication
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Our Blog Posts will help you reach your full potential in becoming a confident conversationalist. New topics each week.

How are you? Struggling. Here's how to communicate your feelings

It was the article in the New York Times that convinced me I should talk about me week. Fridays I generally post an update on my Instagram account that I try to keep upbeat. 

I have not been upbeat this week. 

I’ve been struggling. 

In fact, I admitted this to two different people. I actually typed the words “I’m struggling” and choose to say that instead of “Fine” or “Good” or “Ok” when I was asked, “How are you doing?”

You have heard me talk about this before, and I will keep talking about it because your response to “How are you?” is a critical point in every conversation. The New York Times article I’m referring to hinted at that. If you haven’t seen it just type “languishing” into a search engine. You’ll find the article and you’ll discover that languishing is between depression and well-being on the mental health scale. It describes what a lot of us are feeling these days.

The author suggests that:

 “it could give us a socially acceptable response to “How are you?” Imagin...

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Communicating with Remote Teams: Include data and connection

A remote work environment doesn't change the preferred communication style of the people working remotely. 

A remote environment does change your ability to read the room to figure out if you've landed your message. 

It's tricky without audience feedback and engagement. 

Here's what you need to do when preparing presentations, trainings and most messaging with your virtual team, account for two main types of people: data-driven and connection-driven.  

Communicating in a way that people want to hear, or are able to hear, that message increases the likelihood of landing your message in a way that sparks action. 

The video explains more.  

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