5 Common Phrases that Sabotage Effective Communication
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Our Blog Posts will help you reach your full potential in becoming a confident conversationalist. New topics each week.

Learn from a Leader: Believe in Yourself

I love the idea of a fresh start at the beginning of the... and then the “what if’s” set in. Am I the only one? 

Imagining the possibilities is exciting, planning big is inspiring - right up until I have to start taking action and question my own ability to execute. Fear takes over at that point.
I don’t think I’m the only one who feels this way. In fact,  Elaina Morris, President and CEO of Ascend Hospitality Group, says that in her experience mentoring the No. 1 thing that holds people back is fear they can’t execute. 
I’m curious, what do you do to move past that hurdle and reclaim your confidence? What conversations help you reset?

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Learn from a Leader: Leadership Lessons from Improv

There’s a concept in improv comedy called “Yes, and…” It’s used to introduce new topics or scenarios. The performers agree to the premise before expanding on it.

But there’s more to it than just saying “Yes, and…” The key to making the concept work is letting go of expectations in that moment. Performers shouldn’t use “Yes, and…” to shoehorn their preconceived idea into the skit because the outcome is never very good. In fact, Jonni Ressler, improv comedian and CEO of Eleven 11 Solutions, says often it leads to confusion.

Performers need to drop their expectations of what they thought would happen on stage and be open to what is happening in the moment. And here’s where we find a business and leadership correlation. 

Leaders can create confusion when they incorrectly apply the “Yes, and…” technique. For example, let’s say you call your team together for a brainstorming session. But you already know which direction you want to go. Using “yes, and…” to steer the ideas toward the one...

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