Being a reporter doesn’t mean people will talk to you.
And even when you do secure an interview and get someone to talk – there’s no assurances they’ll make you look good. Every time I ask a question there’s an opportunity for an athlete to contradict me, correct me or just make me look bad. It’s why I spend so much time building relationships and why I’m especially grateful when they are intentional about making me look good – even when I ask a terrible question.
That’s how former Seahawks wide receiver Doug Baldwin and I became friends.
My first interview with Doug took place during preseason his rookie year. I lost my train of thought during a question, tried to recover, but ended up stumbling around and spitting out something that in no way resembled a good question.
I knew it was a disaster.
I braced myself for his response… which was brilliant.
He answered as if it was the best question he’d ever heard. He gave a tho