5 Common Phrases that Sabotage Effective Communication
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Our Blog Posts will help you reach your full potential in becoming a confident conversationalist. New topics each week.

I Cook, You Measure returns for Season 2

Part cooking instruction, part entertainment and all about connecting over food and wine. 

That's how I describe my cooking show "I Cook, You Measure." It's unlikely any other cooking show and it's designed to entertain both home cooks and sports fans. 

Season 2 started on Friday. Did you catch the episode with Mariners catcher Cal Raleigh? 

The full lineup for Season 2 includes current Mariners, a Mariners legend, a Super Bowl Champion and the tallest person who's ever been in my kitchen (which makes sense for a hoops standout!)

I love this show and I love this project. I also know it might feel like a little bit of a stretch or something that doesn't quite fit with my emphasis on business communication and effective conversation strategies. 

Here's what you should know about me - my goal is ALWAYS to give people a platform to tell their stories.

I do that in every post-game interview. I do that on stage when giving keynote presentations. It's my objective in every blog and ...

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Talk Sporty 201: Do you want to dialogue or vent?

"What was he thinking?"

"How could the team be so bad?"

"What the heck happened in that game?"

Every sports fan asks questions like these. It's part of being a fan and debating decisions is one way to talk about a game, but not every one wants to dialogue and discuss what happened. Sometimes fans want to vent about a call they hated or a disappointing outcome.

Venting is different than dialogue. There's a place for both, but it's helpful if you share that objective at the beginning of the conversation.

As a sports broadcaster who's in the clubhouse and talking to coaches and managers about the decisions that get made, I can offer insight and have a conversation about why things happened in a game. But that's not helpful if I'm talking to someone who just wants to vent. Telling me at the outset of the exchange saves time and prevents a lot of frustration. In fact, being clear on your objective in a conversations you have with friends, family and colleagues does the same thin...

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