And it's like no other job in broadcasting.
Broadcasting classes don’t teach you how to establish credibility in a locker room, how to prepare for sideline reports, the notes you should be taking during a game or how to ask a great question. It took a lot of time and many mistakes to figure things out on my own.
I've spent more than 16 years on the sidelines covering the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, WNBA and NCAA football and basketball. The only thing I would change in my career are the mistakes I made in the beginning.
Success takes time, but I can help you get there faster, with fewer mistakes and more confidence. I created this 60-minute on-demand session and packed it with insights I wish I would have known from the beginning of my career like:
Plus you’ll hear from professional athletes on how to ask questions that get better answers during post-game interviews and insights that help you build relationships in locker rooms. Talk about getting your money's worth! Feedback (and essentially coaching) from professional athletes is a huge bonus at the beginning of your career.
I can take the guesswork out of things that seem straightforward, but can lead to anxiety (and missed opportunities) on the sideline.
For example, I'll show you the notes I take during games that help me formulate questions for post-game interviews and you'll actually see one of those interviews and how it all comes together.
If you dream of being on the sideline this 60-minute on-demand session is for you.
700 NW Gilman Blvd. #121
Issaquah, WA 98027-5341
p: 425.280.4513
e: [email protected]