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I Cook, You Measure with Leonard Williams


Leonard Williams is having a monster year for the Seahawks, despite a Pro Bowl snub. He's just as good in the kitchen as he is on the field. Learn more about the big man and cook alongside us in the full-length episode of I Cook, You Measure with Leonard Williams presented by Safeway. 

Fun Facts About the Episode 

  1. Leonard Williams is a defensive end for the Seattle Seahawks. Although you're more likely to hear him called Leo or Big Cat. (The origin of his nickname is discussed in the episode.)
  2. A month after we taped this show Leo earned Defensive Player of the Week honors for a monstrous game in New York that included a 92-yard interception return for a touchdown against the Jets. That is a long way for the big man to run! 
  3. Leo actually approached me last season about a month after being traded to the Seahawks and asked when he could be a guest on the show. 
  4. His fiancee Hailey Lott sat in on the taping. She is a certified wellness coach and as Leo revealed in the episode they ...
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3 Ways Leaders Support Other Leaders – Advice from Seahawks Linebacker K.J. Wright

leadership seahawks Aug 05, 2019

Leadership doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It’s not a solo proposition.

The best leaders recognize buy-in and support is critical for success, which is why they actively seek ways to support other leaders within an organization. It’s what K.J. Wright does inside the Seahawks locker room because great leaders are good followers. They understand the importance of backing decision-makers.

Great leaders are good followers.

Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll is the ultimate decision-maker for the guys inside the Seahawks locker room. But the team is only as successful as individual players and leaders inside the locker room allow.

Leaders don’t have to be the ones calling the shots to take on a leadership role.

The same is true in your work environment. A CEO is only as effective as his or her leadership team allows. Winning requires support from other leaders.

K.J. Wright shared his approach to that responsibility in the locker room when he was a featured leader for July’s Learn from a L...

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Building Relationships with Introverts – A Story from Inside the Seahawks Locker Room


Persistent and strategic.

If those two words don’t describe the way you approach networking, meeting new people or developing business relationships you need a more focused strategy – especially when you meet introverts.

Being outgoing, bubbly, assertive or direct can come across as a very “in your face” approach. It can also be a huge turnoff to a introvert who doesn’t talk much and keeps a tight circle of friends or business contacts.

There are introverts in sports. Lots of ’em. I encounter them in every locker room. And the approach I use in building relationships with an introvert is very different than how I approach extroverts.

Just last season I had to build a relationship with a shy, introverted, Seahawks rookie named Poona Ford. Poona had no interest in talking to me, so I didn’t even try. I talked to the players in his area of the locker room for a few weeks before I actually introduced myself.

If someone doesn’t want to talk to you, you can’t force them to. You can

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